DECEPTIVE MOVEMENTS The continuing story of Rigid Training Written by Robert 42 ACCESS NEW ORLEANS (504) 568-0986 300/1200/2400 BPS 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week :eject DECEPTIVE MOVEMENTS CHAPTER 1 Under normal circumstances, one would not be able to glance at a person and be able to tell if that person is submissive or dominant. People don't exude a certain aura about them to give this dark secret away. No, we cannot tell these things about people by just a glance. But this is not a normal story and the circumstances you will read about are not normal. This is the continuing saga of Laurie and Jennifer, or Rigid Training. Now I know I promised you a trip to Rio De Janeiro, but unforseen complications has changed all that. (Well, I did have the first 4 chapters of that story wiped off disk.. NO, I didn't have a back-up!) Jennifer has cultivated the special talent for spotting submissives with but a look. In the 4 months since becoming mistress to her best friend, Laurie, Jennifer has indeed become an accomplished dominant. I know Laurie would be the first to agree, as she has been on the receiving end of dozens of burning, but delightful punishment sessions doled out by Jennifer. We return for our second look at Laurie and Jennifer by focusing on a new friendship for Jennifer. :Eject After returning from their vacation in Rio, Laurie returned home to find Donna had not only maintained her interior decorating business admirably, but had even attracted some very lucrative offers for jobs. all this delighted Laurie, but she will be one busy redhead for at least the next 3 weeks. it's a good bet that she'll have to hire a new assistant to help out. Jennifer spent the first week home from Rio to just relax and tune herself back to the Kansas City weather. The midwest in March isn't exactly tropical. She woke up on this particular morning determined to get the shopping done that she had been avoiding since her return. Going to the supermarket isn't what I would call the most pleasant of tasks. And it sure isn't one of Jennifer's favorite. But it has to get done, so Jennifer made her way to the car and drove to the market. On the drive, her mind wandered. Laurie had been so busy in the past week that Jennifer had actually begun to get lonely without her sexy slave's company. Something about the way Laurie stood before her with that little girl look about her never ceased to drive her wild. Jennifer knew that she would come up with something special when she was able to find the time to see her. She did her shopping in an automatic mode, merely going through the motions like a programmed robot. She took her place in line and mechanically placed all the items she selected on the belt. The cashier was busily ringing up all her groceries when Jennifer looked up and caught her eye. She gazed up at the loveliest girl she had seen in ages. The young cashier looked to be about 17 or 18 years old, 5'4" with soft brown, wavy hair. She caught Jennifer's eye and quickly looked away, embarrassed. After seeing the total, Jennifer quickly wrote a check and handed it to the cashier. While she did all the steps required to process a check payment, Jennifer took a piece of paper from her purse and wrote something on it. As the cashier handed her the receipt, Jennifer handed her the piece of paper. What she wrote on this paper, was her address. The cashier looked at it, then gazed quizzically at the older blonde on the other side of the register. Jennifer returned her gaze coolly and said "I'll be expecting you at 8 for dinner." The cashier said nothing as Jennifer took her receipt and rolled her shopping cart out through the electronic doors of the store. Jennifer was already planning the evening. Her hands were becoming itchy to feel a soft bottom wriggling under her while she administered stinging slaps to it. For Jennifer, there was no question that the young girl would show up. the only question in her mind was how she was going to manage what she had in mind for her. She knew that once she put her mind to it, she could control a conversation and the mood in the air. Now she would return home to prepare for the night. :eject It was about 10 minutes after 8 when the doorbell rang. Jennifer smiled to herself as she got up from the sofa and walked to open the door. The apprehensive young lady at the other side jumped slightly as the door swung open to reveal a smiling Jennifer. "You're late" she said matter of factly "Did you have trouble finding the street?" "No" she answered "I just wasn't sure if I wanted to come or not." "Well, seeing that you've made it, why don't you come in and let me take your coat?" Jennifer could sense the tension in the young cashier's manner. She would have to put this girl at ease before she could accomplish anything with her. They had a drink before dinner, Jennifer sat across from the girl as she sat on the sofa. "Tell me, what is your name?" Jennifer asked her, they hadn't even exchanged first names at the market. "Cheryl, Cheryl Barnett" She answered "Oh, such a lovely name. My name is Jennifer, Well Cheryl, how old are you? "I'm 21. you have a nice house" "Thank you, and you're such a beautiful girl, i'll bet you have all kinds of men at your beckon call" Cheryl stifled a laugh "Well, I wouldn't say at my 'beckon call'" Cheryl had worked at that store for 6 months. Her parents could not afford to send her to college, so she had to find work just out of high school. One or two relationships later, she found the money to move out on her own at 19, moved in with her current boyfriend in his apartment. And proceeded to watch the relationship go to hell once she moved in. Now living alone in a 1 bedroom apartment, she was determined to make something out of her life. "I don't mean to be nosey, but how much do you make at the store?" "Oh that's ok" Cheryl started "I make 4.50 an hour." "That's not a whole lot." "No, it isn't. But I may become manager one day" Cheryl was beginning to relax a little with the older woman's eyes boring into her. Jennifer served dinner after the drinks had been drained. They continued chatting during the meal. The topic of the conversation could give no clues, but Jennifer knew the young cashier was ripe for plucking. After dinner found them back in the living room drinking coffee. "How would you like a job making 7.00 an hour to start?" Cheryl's ears perked up. "Yes I would! What would I be doing?" "Decorating houses and apartments. I have a good friend who needs someone to help out in her business." "Yes, that sounds like a lot of fun. But what would I have to do to get the job?" Jennifer blinked at the question. This girl may look and act innocent..... "What would you be willing to do, Cheryl?" Cheryl realised that what she had asked came out sounding wrong. "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.." :eject "Tell me something Cheryl, why did you come here tonight?" Cheryl blushed and looked away from the penetrating look of Jennifer's. "Well, because you asked me to." "I see, do you frequently accept invitations to dinner from complete strangers?" Jennifer was turning the mood in the direction she wanted for the occasion. "N No.. it's just that..." Cheryl was having trouble finding words.. Her stomach filled with butterflies as she looked around Jennifer's living room. Careful to avoid eye contact with her. "I'll wager that you were a handful to your parents when you were growing up" Cheryl shrugged at the suggestion "Well, were you a naughty girl?" The young brown haired girl blushed deeper at the question she somehow knew was coming. "Please, you're embarrassing me" Jennifer was not about to let up. "Why don't you answer my question, Cheryl?" "Oh I don't know.. I guess so" Jennifer tried not to smile as she pressed further. "When was the last time you got a spanking?" Cheryl's eyes closed for a moment.. she didn't know exactly what to make of this woman.. but she knew she had to leave before things got out of her control. "I really should be going now." "Answer me!" Jennifer's voice took on a more authoritive tone. Cheryl knew better than to resist. "When.. When I was 18" Her face felt hot. She could feel her eyes begin to fill. "18?! Isn't that a little old for someone to be getting a spanking?" "I I guess I deserved it then." Cheryl nervously squirmed on the sofa. Her fear coming to a fever pitch. "Is 21 too old to be getting a spanking Cheryl?" Cheryl couldn't find the words to answer the question. Jennifer continued boring into her. "I'll bet you're still a naughty girl. Aren't you?" Cheryl was careful not to let herself appear too nervous. She would have to convince the older woman she wasn't worried. "I try to be good" "That isn't what I asked you, dear" Jennifer had turned the mood right where she wanted it. Now she would complete it. "I dunno, I guess sometimes I'm not so good" It was exactly what Jennifer wanted to hear. "Well, what if I told you that you deserved a spanking now. What would you say?" Cheryl sat frozen. She didn't know how to answer that question. But she knew she should get up and leave. "You're not going to be difficult are you Cheryl?" Jennifer asked her.. Cheryl shook her head in negation. "That's good. I want you to stand up and walk here to me." "No.. I really have to go home now" Jennifer lowered her voice "Cheryl, you said you wouldn't be difficult. I want you to get up and walk over here to me, now" Cheryl couldn't quite comprehend the tone of her voice. But she dazedly stood and slowly walked to the sofa, where Jennifer sat sipping her coffee. :eject Jennifer reached out and stroked one of Cheryl's trembling hands. "Shall I take your slacks down, or would you prefer to do that yourself?" Why had she not just got up and walked out of the door?.. The older woman would not have been able to stop her if she had. Her voice came out soft and whimpery.."No, I'll do it" Cheryl's hands slowly rose to them and began to pull the nylon slacks away from her hips. In her mind, she pictured the last time her father had made her do this... it was the same way now.. almost of their own violation, she could feel her thighs tingle. Her slacks were brought to her thighs.. when she released them, they fell and bunched around her ankles. "take your panties down too, honey." Cheryl felt her heart lurch into her throat. "No please!.. not on my bare bottom!" she begged.. sounding truly like a naughty young girl pleading to save herself from punishment. "Yes, Cheryl. On your bare bottom. Now take them down for me." It was a few seconds before Cheryl's nervous hands rose to remove her bottom's last defense. She took her panties to her thighs and stood with her head bent.. tears beginning to come from her eyes. Jennifer reached out to place her hand on the girl's bottom, but Cheryl quickly jumped out of her reach. "Don't you start giving me trouble now, young lady." "I I'm So sorry." Jennifer pursed her lips together "Now lay down over my lap, Cheryl." She still thought that she should be on her way out the door. there was nothing at all keeping her from pulling her panties and slacks back up and leaving. Jennifer's hand guided her down. Jennifer felt the excitement inside herself as well, her hand idly stroked the trembling girl's naked ass. "I know you're scared.. but you won't be after I start" Cheryl nodded but said nothing... tensing the muscles in her ass while she laid there vulnerable to the older woman's stroking hand. "Are you ready for me to spank you now, Cheryl?" NO!!.. she would never be ready. She must get up and leave this woman's house. "Y y yes". Jennifer's hand quickly rose and fell om the pretty cashier's bottom. *WHAP!!* "Oooooooohhh!" The quick stroke had caught her by surprise. Her hands flew behind her to shield her ass. "Cheryl, take your hands away this instant!" Tentatively, she removed her hands and quickly felt Jennifer's stinging hand slapping her now unshielded ass. *WHAP!* *CRACK!* *WHACK!* "Owwwww!.. Ohhhh please stop.. It hurts!" Jennifer was in heaven she continued to slap the young girl's naked bottom. *SLAPP!* "I'll bet you're not afraid anymore are you?" *SMACK!* It was true, Cheryl's protests and cries became more distressed. But she did have to admit that she was no longer afraid. Jennifer was delighted to see Cheryl's hips squirm as he tried in vain to avoid the stinging palm of her hand. With each new stroke, her throat emitted another sob and her legs kicked out at the air. :eject Now Jennifer slowed the tempo of the spanking. The strokes fell with just as much force as they did in the beginning, but Cheryl ceased the screaming and kicking. Now, when Jennifer's hand made another painful contact with her reddening ass, she merely groaned and gripped Jennifer's legs tighter with her hands. After 25 well placed strokes, Jennifer stopped spanking her and gently laid her hand on the warm flesh of Cheryl's bottom. "Do you still want to leave?" Cheryl realized that she didn't want to leave in the first place. That was why she did not walk out when she had the chance. "N N no" she said between choked back sobs. Jennifer was now lovingly stroking the girl's ass and thighs. Cheryl moaned and absent mindedly let her thighs part a little. "What did you do after you got your last spanking, Cheryl?" Cheryl blushed deply, she didn't want to tell Jennifer what she had done. "I.. I was hot afterwards.. I went and.. played with myself." Jennifer let her fingersa slide between the burnished cheeks of her ass and found her moist pussy. "You mean like this?" "Mmmmmmmmmm.. Yes!.. Oh that feels so good!" Cheryl's hips rose and began to rotate as Jennifer expertly glided her fingers over the throbbing nub of her clit. But Jennifer was in bad need herself of release.. she made Cheryl stand and remover her slacks and panties all together. As Cheryl moved to comply, Jennifer quickly rose and stripped her own pants and panties from her body. Jennifer took the younger woman back down on the sofa and searched out her pussy again. Cheryl took the cue and began to fondle Jennifer's wet cunt in kind. Two of Jennifer's fingers found their way into Cheryl's hole making her tighten and quickly come over her hand. Cheryl moved her head up and sought out Jennifer's mouth and engaged her in a loving kiss as they brought each other off in quickorder. Jennifer draped an arm around her new friend and hleld her tight as they groped each other's bubbling cunts. A little later, Cheryl rested her head on Jennifer's shoulder while the older woman ran her fingers through her hair. "You know, I was serious about that job. If you'd like, i'll give her a call and set up an interview." Cheryl beamed at her. "Oh yes! That would be great!" Jennifer turned over and found the telephone sitting nan end table near the sofa. After pushing a few buttons, she turned back around and smiled at the pretty cashier. "Hi Laurie, not sleeping were you?".. "Good, listen hon, I have a young lady who is interested in going to work for you."... "Uh huh. Well, she's here now if you have a few minutes:... "Great, we'll see you then" "Ok.. Bye bye." Jennifer turned and replaced the receiver. :eject "She'll be over in 10 minutes to interview you." Cheryl jumped from the sofa. "10 Minutes???.. My god.. I have to get dressed.. and cleaned up!!" Jennfer laughed and pulled the young woman back down on the sofa, lightly kissingher cheek. "Not to worry, Laurie will be quite understanding!" Cheryl appeared worried. "Are you sure?" "Of course! You can trust me." 10 Minutes later, the knock came at the door. Jennifer called out as she returned from the kitchen with a pot of coffee "It's open, hon." Laurie walked in and quickly surveyed the living room. The first thing she caught sight of was the clothes on the floor, then the pretty brown haired woman sitting embarrassedly on the sofa. "Hi Laurie, I want you to meet Cheryl Barnett. Cheryl, this is Laurie" The two exchanged rather uncomfortable greetings. Understandable considering the nakedness of the young woman. "Well, Jennifer tells me that you are interested in a job? "Yes ma'am. But i've never done decorating." Laurie waved her hand in the air. "No problem, what I need is an assistant. You wouldn't be doing any actual decorating. "I see, then having no experience wouldn't be a problem?" Laurie smiled at her. "Not at all, the hours will be long and tedious." She stole a quick look at Jennifer. "And Jen tells me that I am a real bitch when i'm working. All 3 ladies laughed at that. "When would you be able to start? Cheryl quickly answered. "Right away! When CAN I start? Laurie smiled at her eagerness. "Is Monday ok?" Cheryl nodded. "Sure!.. Thank You!" The tip of Laurie's tongue came out and brushed her top lip. "Welllll, what have you two been doing this evening?" She looked directly doan at Cheryl's naked legs as she asked. Jennifer supplied the answer. "Oh, Just giving Cheryl what you've been needing for a long time." Cheryl took exception at the way she was being discussed. But Laurie laughed out loud. "Oh i'm jealous. I have to stop working all these late hours!" Jennifer feigned sympathy for her sext slave/friend. "Oh you porr darling, need your sexy bottom smacked, dear?" "Ooooo if you only knew how bad!" Jennfer laughed but Laurie sobered up a bit. "No, I've been so busy.." She sighed heavily and gazed longingly at Cheryl, who remained glued to the sofa, blushing. "Oh bullshit!" Jennifer shot back "I ought to paddle your ass right now!" Laurie wiggled her hips teasingly. "Oooo You sweet talker!" Jennifer looked over at Cheryl who looked to be a bit lost. "Don't be shocked, dear. Laurie's had her bottom paddled dozens of times" Looking at her slave "Haven't you, Laurie?" "Yes ma'am."